USD 249.95

Be able to export contacts, text messages, apps, photos, music, movie, books, etc. from Android mobile phones and tablets to computer, so that you can free up more space to get more new files. Media files like photos, music, videos on your local disk can be loaded into your device via this program. Compatible with almost all popular brands of Android device, including Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony, LG, etc

It can be devastating to discover your Android phone or tablet has crashed and your data were lost, right? So having your Android data backed up is vital to avoid stress and frustration. And it is undeniable that you must have saved unlimited files like movies, music, photos, books, etc. on your Android phone or tablet. So a good Android manager software must have the feature of transferring these files from your Android devices to Mac computer freely.


    • Manage Your Android Devices on Mac has Never Been Easier
    • Backup the contacts list from the phone to Mac disk selectively or in a batch.
    • Install or uninstall any Android app to your device on the program directly.
    • Hit one simple button, then you’ll have the ability to export and save the messages on your Android device as CSV format on the Mac. may get a commission from these offers.

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